Episode 42: Gretel and Hansel (2020)

Episode 42 on Soundcloud!

Episode 42 is the answer to the ultimate question: “How do I get my picky eater to eat?” with GRETEL AND HANSEL (2020) and a very special OOPS! All Mummies! interview with Pediatric OT Jessica Hall & Auditory Verbal Therapist Jess Gosselin! We talk about introducing new foods, body autonomy, communicating about & around eating, how to reduce stress around meals by building curiosity & establishing routines, and how your partner can help! Bring a snack cuz it’s doozy!


7 out of 10 hairless cats were awarded to Gretel & Hansel, by both Mummy AND Deaddy, citing “cool, but not great” as their reasoning.

5 entire “I’m still hungry”s out of 5 “I’m still hungry”s were bestowed upon the excellent children, and once again Mummy & Deaddy were in agreement.


Episode 43: Doctor Sleep (2019)


Episode 41: Let the Right One In (2008)