Episode 44: The Exorcist (1973)

Episode 44 on Soundcloud!

Often imitated, and occasionally duplicated, it's the one that started it all: THE EXORCIST (1973)! We talk about post-toddler tantrums, the origins of the Exorcist, death anxiety, summer's rapid approach, Roe v. Wade, and SO much more! So listen now! The power of Christ compels you!


Josh & Carol agreed YET AGAIN on a rating! 21/25 baby aspirin S’mints for The Exorcist. They congratulated themselves for not being haters, even though this is fairly sad score for one of the most famous films in the genre..

They did give Regan 5/5 basement ping pong tables, because, come on, how could they not?


Episode 45: The Turning (2020)


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