Episode 61: Cobweb (2023)
September’s here, aka Spooktober Eve! so it’s time to start decorating and that means COBWEB (2023)! We talk about PTA biz, Halloween prep, Olde English Karens, rude dudes with attitudes, the case for movie watching on your phone, behavior as communication, home schooling, plus a BIG merchy announcement and a lil INSTAGRAM CONTEST… and SO much more!
The Gamer Educator on Instagram! a middle school teacher giving tips on managing screen time in your family
Out of 31 pitchers of water, Carol gave Cobweb 16 and Josh just 14. That's still a lot of pitchers! The kids in Cobweb (mainly Peter) were given 10 happy/sad faced pumpkin cupcakes out of 13, from both Josh and Carol. We do hope they are enjoyed, above ground.