Episode 64: A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors

Episode 64 on Soundcloud!

The Spooktoberfest of Sequels could only conclude one way - with a sequel! It’s A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 3: DREAM WARRIORS! We talk about our family costumes, family costume internet controversy, themed tea towels, our very own dream powers, a movie that’s been chasing us all Spooktober, plus we celebrate the Reason for the Season with an all-new Interview with a Vamparent drop! Hey. it’s Freddy’s world. We’re just livin’ in it.

Scary Good Stuff: Otherworlds podcast - Many Things series


3/3 baptismal fonts from both Carol & Josh for this singular cinematic achievement!! And the kids? You better believe they get 12/12 teaspoons of dry instant coffee with Diet Coke chasers! WE. ARE. FANS.


Episode 65: Annabelle (2014)


Episode 63: Paranormal Activity 3 (2011)