Episode 78: Scream (1996)

Episode 78 on Soundcloud!

SPOOKTOBERFEST 2024 continues through the dog days with SCREAM (1996) live from Las Vegas! 😱 A weekend away for Mummy & Deaddy means all-day brunch vibes, anxiety-dream-levels of mortification, plus how to talk about consent even with the very young, Richard Gere, rumors & bullying, emo adults, the media, processing grief past the year-mark, and SO much more!


Guide to Surviving Bullying (PDF)


Out of 18 horribly wobbly unsecured eggs in the shelf on the door of the 2nd fridge in the garage, Josh gave Scream 18 eggs. Carol gave it 17! Josh has been really generous lately and it’s upsetting! Why is he so nice to movies all of a sudden? AND YET, in what seems to be a trend, he only gave the kids of Scream 7/11 teenagers on a couch. He gives the movie top marks but drags the kids.. it doesn’t make a ton of sense, creeple! He blamed Matt Lillard’s tongue. Carol gave them 10/11, only taking off a teenager for how deeply annoying Sidney Prescott is.


Episode 79: Hereditary (2018)


Episode 77: Arachnophobia (1990)