Episode 31: Orphan (2009)

Episode 31 on SoundCloud!

Episode 31 is all about 30 reasons 2 watch 1 ORPHAN (2009)! We talk breast milk splatters, the case of living Orphan spoiler Natalia Grace Barnett, the unbearable unspookiness of children’s artwork, home aquariums, apologies & empathy-building, privacy & locking doors, being walked in on by your kids in our NEW SEGMENT: Question of the Week!


• First off, the real-life Orphan story! Natalia Grace, who are you?!

• Apologies! Don’t force ‘em. Here are some other things to do instead to teach empathy:

How to Help Your Child Develop Empathy - resource from Aunt Monica

This article from Today’s Parent also has some good ideas about apologizing.

But of course, it’s ALL about that Dr. Becky: Don’t Force Your Child to Apologize

• Privacy! What to Do When Your Child Walks in on You Having SEX from Fatherly

• Flirty Bonus from Psychology Today! Don’t freak out when someone flirts with your partner.


Out of 5 Gibson Explorer authentic Guitar Hero guitars, we both gave Orphan 2/5.

Out of 7 bottles of liquid eyeliner, Carol gave the kids in Orphan 6/7. Josh gave them a mere 4/7.


Episode 32: Frailty (2001)


Episode 30: Insidious: Chapter 2 (2013)